About Me

My reading habits are extremely varied, with my favourites being science fiction, speculative fiction, futuristic, fantasy, and paranormal. And anything about dragons (thanks Anne McCaffrey!). However, if you put a book in front of me, no matter the genre, it is almost certain I’ll at least take a look at the blurb.


Although I’ve been a voracious reader from childhood, I discovered a talent for editing when my health prevented me from working on a regular, scheduled basis. Since May 2010, I have have worked as an Editor, Editor in Chief, and Acquisitions Editor, and currently work as an editor (content/body and line/copy) both for Fireborn Publishing and on a freelance basis. I also write for Top 2 Bottom reviews in an attempt to give back to the industry (and lower my monthly book expenditure), which is probably far too high. As well as meeting up regularly with fellow MM readers and writers in Melbourne, I am a semi-active part of AQRM (Australasian Queer Romance Meets).


I live with my sister and her two cats in a small flat in Victoria, Australia, and feel very lucky to have fallen into the career I have. I love a good cuppa (tea or coffee, thanks to my favourite barista), good food, and good company (both my own and that of other people). I tend to be a little crafty, although I have a plethora of unfinished projects laying around. Most of my movie watching tends to be because I’m at my computer and my sister’s watching something (I usually end up seeing movies in bits because of that), and own a lot of animated movies (Footrot Flats, Shrek, and Over the Hedge being among my favourites). And I tend to think of myself as a cynical optomist.